«Місто, регулярне планування» авторська техніка, фрагмент 2018 р.
"City, regular planning"
author's technique
Three identical parallelograms (resembling skyscrapers in shape), that are located at the same distance from each other. This distance is equal to the width of the parallelogram itself. Absolute symmetry. Objects are only different in colours: yellow, red and black (these are the primary colors). These are the earth colours in different parts of the world. We can see the black soil from the Ukrainian forest-steppe zone, which is the best land in the world, with a humus layer over one meter! Also the red land of Spain and the yellow semi-desert land. Looking closer, the viewer will understand, that this is all rubbish! It will be figured out from the soil sample, that the composition of the earth has completely changed. Why did this happen? Probably because most people are indifferent to earth and do not pay attention to its problems, but others know exactly what is better for the earth and fill it with all sorts of "vitamins" and other useful things. We change the world around us despite the "opinion" of the world itself.