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Ecosculpture "Dialogue"

metal, wild grapes


H - 360 cm


The “Dialogue” sculpture immerses the viewer into its own world of the flowing shapes and lines, mass and volume ratios.

Two figures, male and female, communicate with each other, as if birds flirting in a "marriage dance". This sculpture is made of metal and painted atop. Apart from that wild grapes (Parthenocissusguinguefoliaplanchf. Engelmannii) were planted. During the exhibition, the wild grapes will gradually wrap around the metal frame and the sculpture will be constantly in the process of being created. In times of global warming and the global environmental crisis, art cannot stand aside these issues. This project has two goals: the first is to involve the artworks into the eco-culture of the present day. And the second is to try to get viewers' attention to this range of issues. This project will be alive, ​​it will change over time and with the seasons, it will breathe together with the park.

Екоскульптура Діалог метал, дикий виногр
Екоскульптура Діалог метал, дикий виногр
Екоскульптура Діалог метал, дикий виногр
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