"Paradise Garnet"
acrylic, airbrush
45/40/37 cm
It is known that in ancient Greek mythology, the function of paradise, the golden apple is performed by the pomegranate. Previously, there was an idea that the first pomegranate tree had grown from the blood of the fertile god Dionysus to the earth. It seems that since then this wonderful work of nature has become especially significant in the culture of Greeks, Muslims, Armenians, Jews, as well as in the Christian tradition. Why is it called royal fruit, a symbol of unity, life and rebirth? All the original doctrines give the pomegranate a special place. In Buddhism, pomegranate is considered to be one of the blessed fruits, which ensures the commitment of fate; in Islam, it signifies moral purification as it grows in Paradise. In China, the fruit is a sign of prosperity and a happy future. His attributes are mentioned in various sacred texts, including the Bible, where pomegranate appears as a standard of beauty and as a symbol of the unity of the world. Many paintings of the period of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Jesus holds a grenade -
the gift brought by Christ to humanity, the gift of eternal life. In Christian times, this symbolism was spiritualized and enriched with references to the riches of God's grace and heavenly love. To me, this fruit signifies fertility and family happiness: it has more than 300 small grains, but they are one. If all the existing stereotypes and restrictions are rejected, peaceful coexistence and, most importantly, the unification of different civilizations will finally be possible. The image of the pomegranate signifies hope and peace between traditions and views and aims to convey a respectful attitude to opposing ideologies.